Sponsored Work Permits & Non-b Visa in Thailand

Amir zisovitch
Mar 06, 2024By Amir zisovitch

 Simplifying the Process: Sponsored Work Permits in Thailand

Are you considering expanding your business to Thailand? If so, you may have initially thought about setting up a company or representative office. However, if you want to start employing foreign workers quickly or prefer to test the market before establishing a legal entity, a viable alternative is to utilize a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) service, also known as a sponsored work permit.

In this blog post, we will address some of the most frequently asked questions about sponsored work permits and provide a comprehensive understanding of how they work.

FAQs: Sponsored Work Permits in Thailand

1. What is a sponsored work permit or PEO service?
A PEO service offers employee management and administrative assistance, including payroll processing, onboarding, recruiting, benefits management, and HR services. It allows you to register your employees with the relevant authorities in Thailand using a local company as the employer of record. The PEO handles payroll protocols, salary distribution, social insurance contributions, withholding tax, personal income tax, and monthly reimbursements.

2. What are the benefits of a sponsored work permit or PEO service?
Expanding your business globally can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if you haven't established an entity in Thailand or are struggling to obtain visas and work permits for your foreign staff. With a PEO service, you receive assistance in complying with international employment laws, onboarding employees, and fulfilling accounting and payroll requirements. It also provides quicker access to the market compared to setting up a local entity, saving you time, resources, and money in the long run.

3. What types of businesses need a sponsored work permit or PEO service?
PEO services can be utilized by any type of business, whether it's a small office or a large manufacturing unit. However, they are often preferred by foreign employees who want to start working promptly or entities that wish to test the market before establishing a legal presence in Thailand.

4. How do clients using a sponsored work permit or PEO service control their employees?
While the PEO service handles staffing, payroll, and accounting requirements, clients retain direct control and supervision over their employees. Clients determine job responsibilities, quality standards, wage rates, performance standards, working hours, compliance with rules, and other terms.

5. Do I need to pay taxes for my employees when using a PEO service?
In most cases, you will be required to pay taxes in the country where you employ someone. However, your PEO partner will take care of tax and social security contributions, ensuring compliance with local regulations.

6. Who handles regulatory compliance obligations when using a sponsored work permit or PEO service?
Expanding businesses often face challenges in understanding local regulatory compliance requirements in foreign countries. A PEO service efficiently manages payroll, accounting, taxation, and compliance issues, relieving you of the burden.

In summary, sponsored work permits or PEO services in Thailand simplify the process of obtaining work permits for foreign employees. They provide numerous benefits, such as compliance with employment laws, streamlined onboarding, and efficient payroll management. By partnering with a PEO service, you can save time and resources while gaining quicker access to the market. Whether you're a small office or a large enterprise, a sponsored work permit can be an effective solution for expanding your business in Thailand.

If you're considering expanding your business to Thailand, explore the option of sponsored work permits and PEO services to make the process smoother and more efficient.